October 22nd, 2022
Non-Divisional (ND) - All levels compete together - *1st, 2nd, 3rd*
Divisional (D) - Novice & Veteran are separated *1st, 2nd, 3rd for each level*
Take all (TA) - All levels compete together - *ONE Trophy*
Veteran (V) - HAVE placed in a divisional competition (ART vs STRUCTURE) *1st, 2nd, 3rd*
Novice (N) - HAVE NOT placed in a divisional competition (ART vs STRUCTURE) *1st, 2nd, 3rd*
Art (A) - Completed at home and hand in
Structure (S) - Completed in the arena
Example (N/V)- 1st in Fantasy = veteran in all art but novice in structure
2nd in Structure = veteran in all structure but novice in art
3rd in 3D & 3rd in Structure = veteran in all categories
Salon - ( S, D, N/V) Aspiring - (S, TA) Artsy Extreme - (S, D, N/V) Glamor - (S, ND) Tag Team - (S, TA)
3D - (A, D, N/V) Hand Painted - (A, D, N/V) Fantasy - (A, D, N/V) Fantasy Bling - (A, D, N/V)
People's Choice - (A, TA) Nail Photographic - (A, TA) Lash Photographic - (A, TA)
Models - May be anyone you choose, tech or non-tech
Aspiring vs Salon
These categories will be identical and run at the same time. If you are less then 24 months into the business or are currently completing your course you have the option of entering the "Aspiring". You may enter Salon at any level but MUST have completed certification.
Aspiring will have one top place whom will be awarded a trophy and a private 5 hr workshop with an NMC educator.
Once you have received the "Aspiring" award you are no longer eligible to re-enter.

Heart Stopping Adrenaline
the BEST feeling EVER
Every competitor thrives for that "FEELING"... the nervous butterflies, the holding your breath, the race against the clock.... if you're nervous... you're ready!
just imagine...

NMC2022 Rules Printable
Please note there are only art competitions for NMC2022
Structure Specific - General Rules
Any discrepancy between actions and rules may result in a point deduction.
Competition briefing will begin 5-10 minutes before the start time of the competition. At the beginning of this time competitors are not to touch their model or their station.
Competitors must use professional products. Gel, Acrylic or any form of Acryl/Poly/Putty/Tube Gel is acceptable. The systems may NOT be mixed during foundation and structure building but final gel topcoats are permitted with all products.
All items specific to each competition must be on the workspace prior to the start of the competition. Competitors may not reach into their kits after the start of time for the competition. Please have all containers appropriately labeled. Unauthorized materials may be confiscated as deemed fit by the floor judge until the end of the competition at which time the competitor may collect back their items.
The model’s natural nails may be prepared for product application prior to competition start, but product may NOT be applied until start time.
No plastic type molds of any kind may be used to form the sculptured nail. The nail must be sculpted from a form.
Electric files are permitted.
All work must be completed by the registered competitor. This includes the nail foundation extension for the Glamor competition.
Cleansing products (wipes, soaps etc.) and moisturizing products (oils, creams, lotions, etc.) are allowed within reason. Excessive use of oil may result in point deduction.
Smile line cutters are not permitted. All smile lines must be done with a brush by hand. Competitors may perfect smile line with a file.
Pre-existing damage to a model’s natural nails, cuticles, or hands must be disclosed to the judges prior to the start of the competition. The appropriate indication sheet must be filled out, signed, and collected by the floor judge. Any damage that has not been indicted prior to the competition start may result in point deduction.
Only competitors, models and floor judges are allowed within the competition arena at any time.
Competitors may enter the competition arena to set up during allotted set up times.
Once the competition time is finished, hands off and hands up immediately. Instructions for judging will be given at this time. Please listen carefully to instructions of where models are directed for judging. Your competition number clearly showing on the bracelet. Models being used for the following competition will be judged first.
All decisions made by the judges are final. In the case of a tie mark or discrepancies, all judges, photos and “tie breaking” overall scale (or combination of) will be used.
If you are unable to attend the awards you MUST arrange for any trophies to be picked up. NMC is not responsible for left trophies.
You may record and take photos during the competition BUT no lives or media posting is permitted until after the competitions have been judged (unless otherwise specified)
Artsy Extreme Shape - 8:00AM - 9:30AM
See structure specific general rules
Competitors will have 90 minutes to complete 3 different French style extreme nail extensions on one hand with art. Shapes can be any extreme shape desired but must be 3 different (Stiletto, Edge, Bridge, Arrow, Russian Almond, Lipstick etc., or a shape you have created).
Must sculpt on forms, no tips allowed.
Completed nails should be a minimum of 2 inches long measured from cuticle to free edge.
Only 3/5 nails will be completed/judged on one hand (3 nails are your choice).
Embellishment(s) and colors may be used.
A maximum height of 1cm for any 3D embellishments. Any embellishments must be created onsite (with the exception of crystals; example - 3D flowers/bows).
The nails created are to be in French-style (pink or clear and white/color). Art may be on top, bottom, sides, or embedded.
Smile lines may be sculpted or painted on.
Points received when product is thinly applied near the cuticle area, reinforced at an apex, and tapered through the free edge, approximately the thinness of a credit card with consistent "C" curves and a flattering smile line. There will be a focus on color application, art ratio, and art flow throughout the nails.
Extreme shapes will be judged in the following categories: smile lines, “C” curves, cuticle area, shape, product control, surface structure, art ratio, art flow, color application, use of embellishments, lateral structure, length, finished work, and overall impression.
Aspiring - 10:15AM - 11:30AM
See structure specific general rules
Competitors will have 75 minutes to complete a set of salon-style nail extensions on one hand (5 nails).
Must sculpt on forms. No tips allowed.
The index, middle, pinky, and thumb must be French-style (pink or clear and white), finished to a high shine with a gel sealant. Regular nail polish is not permitted.
Embellishment(s) may NOT be used.
The ring finger must be finished in a flat red gel polish/paint. YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR OWN (no shimmer, no sparkle). Base and top coats are allowed.
White must be built. Paint on white is NOT permitted.
The underside of all the nails must be uniform.
There is no specified pink to white ratio or C-curve percentage for Aspiring. Competitors are to use a pink/white ratio and c-curve percentage, which best compliments their model’s hand.
Points received when product is thinly applied near the cuticle area, reinforced at the apex, and tapered through the free edge with consistent "C" curves.
Aspiring salon competition will be judged in the following categories: flattering pink-white ratio for models hands, smile lines, consistent “C” curves, cuticle area, shape, product control, surface structure, lateral structure, length, color application, finish work, and overall impression.
Aspiring competitors MUST be less than 2 years certified from the date of the competition or currently enrolled as a student technician.
Salon Success - 10:15AM - 11:30AM
See structure specific general rules.
Competitors will have 75 minutes to complete a set of salon-style nail extensions on one hand (5 nails).
You must sculpt on forms. No tips allowed.
The index, middle, ring, and pinky fingers must be French-style (pink or clear and white), finished to a high shine with a gel sealant. Regular nail polish is not permitted.
Finished nails should have a salon style c-curve of 30-40%
Embellishment(s) may NOT be used.
The thumb must be finished in a red gel polish. YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR OWN (no shimmer, no sparkle). Base and top coats are allowed.
White must be built. Paint on white is NOT permitted.
The underside of all the nails must be uniform.
Specific 2:1 (pink:white) ratio.
Points received when product is thinly applied near the cuticle area, reinforced at the apex, and tapered through the free edge, approximately the thinness of a credit card nails with consistent "C" curves.
Salon will be judged in the following categories: smile lines, “C” curves, cuticle area, shape, product control, surface structure, lateral structure, length, 2:1 ratio, color application, finished work, and overall impression.
Glamor - 1:45PM - 2:30PM
See structure specific general rules.
Competitors will have 45 minutes to complete creative designs on 3 pre-existing nail extensions on one hand. Using only materials provided in the glamor kit along with the choice of one solid base color.
Nails can be any shape desired; Square, Almond, Stiletto, Edge, Bridge, Arrow, Russian Almond, etc., or a shape you have created.
The 3 Nail extensions must have been completed by the registered competitor PRIOR to the start of the competition. Nails extension structure will be judged as part of the “overall” section but not structure specific sections.
The nails used must have been sculpted from forms and finished smooth by competition start time. (if using your Artsy Extreme nails, any 3D/raised art or stones must be removed)
Nails must be finished filed and ready for color application in either a neutral base or French base (in the case of using artsy extreme nails with a built smile line). Any filing done after the start of the competition may result in points deduction.
At the start of the competition, competitors MUST paint nails completely in a solid base color (may include shimmer, sparkle or flat). Bring 3 colors of your choice. Once you open your glamor jar at the start of the competition you may then choose your ONE base color. You CANNOT use these colors for painted designs.
Competitors are required to bring all products necessary to attach enhancements.
A jar of enhancements will be provided. Personal embellishments are not allowed.
Glamor will be judged in the following categories: "Doing the best with what you got" (aka – Creativity), art/embellishment in ratio to nail surface, art flow between nails, color application, use/placement of embellishments, finished work, and overall impression
Tag Team - 3:15PM - 4:15PM
See structure specific general rules.
Competitor Team will have 60 minutes to complete a set of nail extensions on one hand (5 nails).
You must sculpt on forms. No tips allowed.
Each team will consist of 2 techs and 1 model.
Every 5 minutes (because 10 was way to easy!) a buzzer will sound, at this time Tech A must immediately take their hands off of the model and move to the side as Tech B sits and takes over. This will be done each time the buzzer sounds at 5 minute intervals. Hands off tech is not allowed to touch any product, tools, or model.
No warning will be given for impending 5 minute buzzer.
No individual timers will be allowed.
Nails MUST be fully painted with a gel polish/paint.
Ring finger (only) is required to have art (any art or embellishments are allowed). No embellishments will be provided. Competitors must complete art, 3D work and embellishments during the competition time.
Any shape and any length is allowed.
Points received when product is thinly applied near the cuticle area, reinforced at the apex, and tapered through the free edge, approximately the thinness of a credit card nails with consistent "C" curves and creative feature nail
Tag Team will be judged in the following categories: “C” curves, cuticle area, shape, product control, surface structure, lateral structure, length, color application, feature nail, finished work, and overall impression.
Art Specific – General Rules
All Entries MUST be handed in, in an enclosed box with removable lid. (Dolleramma is great for these!)
Competitors may submit more than one entry, but must pay a registration fee for each entry.
The competitor may turn in entries or have someone else walk it in. Entries may be mailed in (see below). You do not need to be present to enter this competition. All entries must be received by the indicated deadline - see competition schedule.
All work must be completed prior to the competition. No workstation, seating, or electrical outlet will be provided.
Competitors must prepare and submit a written statement no longer then ½ page typed describing your inspiration. (unless stated otherwise)
Tips must be different sizes. Original tip color does NOT matter, all tips must remain seperate..
Embellishments may be used, but must NOT exceed 25% of the overall design. You must create minimum 75% of your pieces. (unless otherwise stated)
Topcoat may be used.
Competitors must create an original design. Do not directly recreate any copyrighted art, design or logo.
UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN A SPECIFIC CATEGORY, completed tips must be ready for display and judging, meaning they must be SECURELY fastened to a plain, flat surface, one color, non mirror finish. The size of the mounting surface is to be 6 inches by 8 inches and no more then 1/4" thick. It must be FLAT, FLUSH AND STURDY. Any rise that does not meet this requirement may receive points deduction (hint: white canvas boards from Dollarama work perfect).
Theme must be apparent in artwork and write-up.
If any requirement is not met, the design will receive a points deduction.
Any 3D, Fantasy, Fantasy Bling or Hand Painted Nail Art design that has already won at a competition cannot be reused or copied.
Do not post entries on social media sites prior to judging.
If you are unable to attend the awards, you MUST arrange for your piece to be picked up. NMC is not responsible for left pieces/trophies
3D Nail Art
(Email in by Thursday Oct 20th @ 10pm)
Theme: Neon Garden (Blacklight)
See Art specific general rules – must include a write up
3D Nail Art entry must be completed on full competition size individual manufacturer tips.
Competitors have a maximum of 1 inch working space from the surface of the nail tip to build and sculpt. Anything over 1 inch from any edge or attached to more then one tip will result in points deduction
Novice level entries will consist of 3 tips and Veteran level entries will consist of 5 tips.
All nail art must be made from professional nail products and embellishments (acrylic, gel, polish, rhinestones, glitter, etc.).
3D Nail Art will be judged in the following categories: Creativity, visual interest, color, presentation, balance, dimension, overall impression, complexity, workmanship, and theme interpretation write up.
Hand Painted Nail Art
(Email in by Thursday Oct 20th @ 10pm)
Theme: Black & White
See Art specific general rules – Must include a write up.
You may use only 2 colors … Black and white
You may mix the two colors for varying shades of grey. ANY color will result in a deduction
Hand painted flat art entry consist of full size individual manufacturer tips. Tips must be different sizes. Original tip color does NOT matter.
Novice level entries will consist of 3 tips and Veteran level entries will consist of 5 tips.
All hand painting must be done with acrylic paints, gel paints or watercolor.
Topcoat or UV gel sealant must be used.
Hand painted flat art will be judged in the following categories: Creativity, visual interest, color variation, presentation, balance, design, dimension & depth, overall impression, complexity, workmanship, and theme interpretation write up.
Fantasy Nail Art
(Email in by Thursday Oct 20th @ 10pm)
Theme: Teenage Wasteland
See Art specific general rules - Must include a write up.
Fantasy Nail Art entry must consist of full size individual manufacturer tips. Tips must be different sizes. Original tip color does NOT matter.
There are no height/width restrictions for this category
Novice level entries will consist of 3 tips and Veteran level entries will consist of 5 tips.
Topcoat, UV gel sealant, or glitter polish may be used.
Display: Tips must be SECURELY fastened to a designed surface for judging - see RULE # 7. The base will act as the “costume” for your tip(s). Use your base to enhance your tip but be careful to not overpower it.
Novice - 6 inches by 8 inches and less then 1/4 inch thick and it must be STURDY.
Veteran - 8 inches by 10 inches and less then ¼ inch thick and it must be STURDY.
Fantasy Nail Art will be judged in the following categories: Creativity, visual interest, color, presentation, balance, design, structure dimension, overall impression, complexity, workmanship, and theme interpretation write up.
Fantasy Bling Nail Art - Divisional
(Email in by Thursday Oct 20th @ 10pm)
Theme: Nature
1. See Art specific general rules - Must include a write up.
2. Fantasy Nail Art entry must consist of full size individual manufacturer tips. Tips must be different sizes. Original tip color does NOT matter.
3. There are no height/width restrictions for this category
4. Your pieces must be contained to each tip only and cannot touch any other tip, external structure or mounting board
5. Novice level entries will consist of 3 tips and Veteran level entries will consist of 5 tips.
6. You may incorporate other professional products (top coat, color polish, glitter, acrylic powder, pigments etc) to help create your theme to a maximum of 25%. 75% must be crystals.
7. Only LOOSE CRYSTAL stones may be used on the tips, anything within a setting may not be used.
8. No Metal, wood or plastic.
9. Display: Tips must be SECURELY fastened to a designed surface for judging - see RULE #11. The base will act as the “costume” for your tip(s). Use your base to enhance your tip but be careful to not overpower it.
10. NO Crystals or embellishments may be used on the “costume board”
. 1. Novice - 6 inches by 8 inches and less then 1/4 inch thick and it must be STURDY.
. 2. Veteran - 8 inches by 10 inches and less then ¼ inch thick and it must be STURDY.
12. Fantasy Bling will be judged in the following categories: Creativity, visual interest, color, presentation, balance, design, structure dimension, overall impression, complexity, workmanship, use of crystals, cleanliness and proficiency of crystal application and theme interpretation write up.
Nail Photographic
(Email in by Thursday Oct 20th @ 10pm)
Theme: Lights
Design and create a magazine photo – NO Write up
A high quality photo must be taken and emailed to (hint: don't use a phone). Please send in jpeg format size 8in x 10in (they will be printed as they are received)
You can use whatever props and backgrounds you choose.
You can use one hand or two.
Photo must be your interpretation of the theme.
Entries will not be accepted after the due date.
Photographic will be judged in the following categories: Creativity, visual interest, color, presentation, balance, design, overall impression, complexity, workmanship, and visual theme interpretation.
Lash Photographic
(Email in by Thursday Oct 20th @ 10pm)
Theme: Lights
Design and create a magazine photo – NO Write up
A high quality photo must be taken and emailed to (hint: don't use a phone). Please send in jpeg format size 8in x 10in (they will be printed as they are received)
You can use whatever props and backgrounds you choose.
You can use one eye or two.
Photo must be your interpretation of the theme.
Entries will not be accepted after the due date.
Photographic will be judged in the following categories: Creativity, visual interest, color, presentation, balance, design, overall impression, complexity, workmanship, and visual theme interpretation.
People’s Choice
(Email in by Thursday Oct 20th @ 10pm)
Theme: Grafitti
1. You must be in attendance at the mixer to win- $500 Cash Prize
2. Your focal point of your poster must be nails. Make it eye-catching as there is only 1 People's choice. You can use whatever props and background you choose. You can use one hand or two.
3. Your photo must be taken in HIGH QUALITY and emailed to (don't use a phone). Please send in jpeg format in a 2ft x 3ft size.
4. Your submitted photo will be printed in high quality 2’x3’ poster size and put on display at the NMC2020 mixer.
5. Everyone in attendance will receive 1 voting ticket (bring friends with you to the mixer to help with votes). Voting individuals will receive no direction for their voting decision. It is 100% the PEOPLE’S CHOICE.