BAck to business
with the
NMC Team
why? ?
that's why

We heard you!
The NMC Mansion
is back
October 12th - 15th, 2023
Sherwood Park - Alberta
Training can be expensive with travel, room rentals and meals ....So we're changing it up. This isn't your ordinary training. This is an ALL INCLUSIVE (you just need to get yourself to us and we will take care of you for the entire weekend!)
We have rented a space large enough for us to get together and normalize friends weekend getaways!
Training, shared accommodations and meals included ….. don't forget a ton of good times and memories!!!
While you are spending 16 full hours of training between 4 NMC educators and 4 back to business and advancement workshops, we will cater to you to the best of our ability ... That means no cooking and no cleaning!
This weekend is for you to advance your skills, knowledge and business!
Along side the 16 scheduled training hours - each tech can grab an optional marketing strategy booklet to fill out at their own pace. We can talk products, competitions, photography, troubleshooting... absolutely anything during the downtime - OR we can keep it downtime and bring on the games and laughs!!
(Sometimes it's all about BALANCE!)
There is only 18 spots available
Your 4 main workshops consist of 4 hour time chunks done in a round robin style so there will never be more then 10 in a workshop - Smaller groups means more intimate time with the educators to ask questions and ensure you are getting what you need.
You can have all the glitter in the universe but if you don't run your business like a business you will only ever bring in the BRONZE.

Raise & Know your WORTH in the industry!
Arrive Thursday Oct 12th evening anytime after 7pm - Check out 15th Sunday 10am
8 hours ( 2 x 4) workshops on Friday
8 hours ( 2 x 4) workshops on Saturday
all in-between time is for relaxing - networking - working on marketing (your choice)
If you have someone you'd like to room with please let us know!

Not just training..but a weekend with friends