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New to the Competition World.. hesitant.. but keep going back to it? Ask yourself "what do you have to gain?" 

 Every competitor started with their "FIRST" competition! Practicing creativity, focus, product control and attention to detail .. close your eyes and imagine what that will do for your everyday nails... just imagine...

Competition Rules & Regulations 




Aspiring - For the newer techs! Are you less then 24 months into the industry or just completing your course? Want to compete but are nervous, unsure? This one is for you! 



Non-Divisional -  All levels compete together

Novice -  Any level of tech that HAS NOT placed in any other competition

Veteran -  Any level of tech that HAS placed in any other competition  (ART vs STRUCTURE)

1st in Fantasy = veteran in all art but novice in structure 

2nd in Structure = veteran in all structure but novice in art

3rd in 3D & 3rd in Structure = veteran in all categories


Structure = Salon - Aspiring - Extreme - Bling           Art = 3D - Painted - Fantasy       Non-Divisional - Glamor

Models -  May be anyone you choose, tech or non-tech! Tech models are required to be registered for access to event floor


Guest Spectators 

We are rearranging where our competition is being held this year. We are going to open up the competition area for your family, friends and potential clients. They will be able to access one side of the roped off competition area but not able to access the trade show floor. We would love spectators to come and go during the competitions and return for the award ceremonies, giving them the opportunity to see what we do and help those who are looking for techs an opportunity to connect!

Please ensure you bring lots of your cards as we will have them laid out for potential customers!




Aspiring Salon vs Salon Success

These categories will be identical and run at the same time. If you are less then 24 months into the business or are currently completing your course you have the option of entering the "Aspiring". You may enter Salon at any level but MUST have completed certification. 

All competitions will have 1st, 2nd & 3rd in both Novice & Veteran with the exception of Aspiring. Aspiring will have one top place whom will be awarded a trophy and a $500 scholarship

Scholarship is in the form of the following

4 hr 1-1 shape perfecting class with an NMC educator and a seat in Amy Becker's advanced class at NMC 2018.

Once you have received  the "Aspiring" award you are no longer eligible to re-enter



Aspiring Salon - 2:00pm- 3:30pm

  1. Competitors will have 1.5 hours to complete a set of salon-style nail extensions on one hand (5 nails).  You must sculpt on forms, no tips allowed.

  2. Competitors must use professional products. Both gel and acrylic are acceptable. The systems may NOT be mixed (Acrylic must be buffed to high shine - no gel sealer allowed)

  3. Embellishment(s) may NOT be used. 

  4. The model’s natural nails may be prepared for product application prior to competition start, but product may NOT be applied until start time. 

  5. No consideration will be given for any pre-existing damage to a model’s natural nails, cuticles, or hands.

  6. No plastic type molds of any kind may be used to form the sculptured nail. 

  7. Electric files are permitted. 

  8. Cleansing products (soaps etc.) and moisturizing products (oils, creams, lotions, etc.) are allowed. Excessive use of oil is not permitted.  It will be at the judge’s discretion to deduct points for excess oil.

  9. The thumb must be a red gel polish. THIS RED GEL COLOR WILL BE PROVIDED. Base and topcoats are allowed. 

  10. The index, middle, ring and pinky fingers must be French-style (pink or clear and white), finished to a high shine with a gel sealant, regular nail polish is not permitted.

  11. No products may be used to assist in making a smile line. All smile lines must be done with a brush by hand.  Paint on white is not permitted. 

  12. An estimated (Compliment hand) 2 to 1 ratio of nail bed (pink/clear) to free edge (white), measured from the center of the smile line is required. Product required to be thinly applied near the cuticle area, reinforced at the stress area, and tapered through the free edge so it is equal to approximately the thinness of a credit card nails must show consistent "C" curves. 

  13. The underside of all the nails must be uniform. (Thumb must be white underneath)

  14. Salon Success will be judged in the following categories:  flattering pink-white ratio for models hands, smile lines, “C” curves, cuticle area, shape, product control, surface structure, lateral structure, length, color application, finish work, and overall impression.

Salon Sucess 17


Salon Sucess - 2:00pm- 3:30pm

  1. Competitors will have 1.5 hours to complete a set of salon-style nail extensions on one hand (5 nails).  You must sculpt on forms, no tips allowed.

  2. Competitors must use professional products. Both gel and acrylic are acceptable. The systems may NOT be mixed (Acrylic must be buffed to high shine - no gel sealer allowed)

  3. Embellishment(s) may NOT be used. 

  4. The model’s natural nails may be prepared for product application prior to competition start, but product may NOT be applied until start time. 

  5. No consideration will be given for any pre-existing damage to a model’s natural nails, cuticles, or hands.

  6. No plastic type molds of any kind may be used to form the sculptured nail. 

  7. Electric files are permitted. 

  8. Cleansing products (soaps etc.) and moisturizing products (oils, creams, lotions, etc.) are allowed. Excessive use of oil is not permitted.  It will be at the judge’s discretion to deduct points for excess oil.

  9. The thumb must be a red gel polish. THIS RED GEL COLOR WILL BE PROVIDED. Base and topcoats are allowed. 

  10. The index, middle, ring and pinky fingers must be French-style (pink or clear and white), finished to a high shine with a gel sealant, regular nail polish is not permitted.

  11. No products may be used to assist in making a smile line. All smile lines must be done with a brush by hand.  Paint on white is not permitted. 

  12. An estimated (Compliment hand) 2 to 1 ratio of nail bed (pink/clear) to free edge (white), measured from the center of the smile line is required. Product required to be thinly applied near the cuticle area, reinforced at the stress area, and tapered through the free edge so it is equal to approximately the thinness of a credit card nails must show consistent "C" curves. 

  13. The underside of all the nails must be uniform. (Thumb white underneath)

  14. Salon Success will be judged in the following categories:  flattering pink-white ratio for models hands, smile lines, “C” curves, cuticle area, shape, product control, surface structure, lateral structure, length, color application, finish work, and overall impression.

Extreme Shape 17

1st ~  Kinga Micaci

Saskatoon, SK

2nd ~  Kristy Brownfield

 Fort St. John, BC

Photo Unavailable

 3rd ~ Olga Khazova

 Medicine Hat, AB

Artsy Extreme Shape - 12:00pm - 1:30 pm

  1. Competitors will have 1.5 hours to complete 3 different french style extreme nail extensions on one hand with art.  Shapes can be any extreme shape desired but must be 3 different. (Stiletto, Edge, Bridge, Arrow, Russian Almond etc., or a shape you have created) You must sculpt on forms, no tips allowed. (Only 3/5 nails will be completed/judged on one hand) 

  2. Competitors must use professional products. Both gel and acrylic are acceptable. The systems may NOT be mixed (Acrylic must be buffed to high shine - no gel sealer allowed)

  3. Embellishment(s) and colors may be used.  A maximum height of 1cm for any 3d embellishments. Any embellishments must be created onsite (with the exception of crystals - example - 3D flowers/bows)

  4. The model’s natural nails may be prepared for product application prior to competition start, but product may NOT be applied until start time. 

  5. No consideration will be given for any pre-existing damage to a model’s natural nails, cuticles, or hands.

  6. No plastic type molds of any kind may be used to form the sculptured nail. 

  7. Electric files are permitted. 

  8. Cleansing products (soaps, etc.) and moisturizing products (oils, creams, lotions, etc.) are allowed. Excessive use of oil is not permitted.  It will be at the judge’s discretion to deduct points for excess oil.

  9. French-style (pink or clear and white/color). Art may be on top, bottom, sides or embedded.

  10. No products may be used to assist in making a smile line. All smile lines must be done with a brush by hand. Product is required to be thinly applied near the cuticle area, reinforced at the stress area and nails must show "C" curves.

  11. Extreme shapes will be judged in the following categories: smile lines, “C” curves, cuticle area, shape, product control, surface structure, Art presentation, lateral structure, length, finished work and overall impression.



Bling Bling 17

1st ~  Kinga Micaci

Saskatoon, SK

2nd ~  Kristy Brownfield

Fort St. John, BC

3rd ~  Rheanne Thackeray

Lloydminister, AB


 Glamor - 4:00pm - 5:00pm

  1. Competitors will have 1 hour to complete creative designs on 3 pre-existing nail extensions on one hand.  Shapes can be any shape desired Square, Almond, Stiletto, Edge, Bridge, Arrow, Russian Almond etc., or a shape you have created) You must have sculpted on forms, no tips allowed. The 3 Nail extensions must be done prior to Competition. Nails extensions will be part of judging criteria.

  2. Competitors must have created their own sculpted base nails.

  3. Competitors must use professional products. Both gel and acrylic bases are acceptable.

  4. Colors may be used. Competitors are required to bring all products necessary to attach gems. Enhancements will be provided, personal bling not allowed.

  5. No consideration will be given for any pre-existing damage to a model’s natural nails, cuticles, or hands.

  6. No plastic type molds of any kind may be used to form the sculptured nail. 

  7. Cleansing products (soaps, etc.) and moisturizing products (oils, creams, lotions, etc.) are allowed. Excessive use of oil is not permitted.  It will be at the judge’s discretion to deduct points for excess oil.

  8. Glamor will be judged in the following categories: "Doing the best with what you got" & Creativity. Nail structure will be judged in the form of (“C” curves, cuticle area, shape, product control, surface structure, presentation, lateral structure, length) , creativity and finished work overall impression 


3D 17

2nd ~  Amanda Holowatuk

Saskatoon, SK

1st ~  Kristy Brownfiels

Fort St. John, BC

3rd ~  Karen Dunn

Vonda, SK

3D ~ 4 Elements - Turn in at NMC registration, Saturday by 4pm

  1. Competitors may submit more than one entry, but must pay a registration fee for each entry.

  2. Entries may be turned in by the competitor or the competitor may have someone else walk it in. Entries may be mailed in (see below). You do not need to be present to enter this competition.

  3. All work must be completed prior to the competition. No workstation, seating or electrical outlet will be provided. 

  4. 3-D Nail Art entry must consist of 3 full size individual manufacturer tips. Tips must be graduated in size. Original tip color does NOT matter. 

  5. All nail art must be made from professional nail products and embellishments (colored liquid-and-powder acrylic, light-cured gel, wraps and resin, polish, rhinestones, etc.)

  6. Embellishments or adornments may be used, but must NOT exceed 25% of the overall design. You must create minimum 75% of your pieces. 

  7. Top coat, UV gel sealant or glitter polish may be used. 

  8. Competitors my use a similar version of copyrighted art, design or logo but they must not be identical to the original.  If the artwork does not follow the criteria, judges will determine point deductions.

  9.  Designs may not be more than 1 inch high off the nail.

  10. Tips must be securely fastened to the required base but must remain individual and not be secured to one another. Design may encompass all tips as a picture, but tips must remain separate. If tips do not meet the requirements, the design may be disqualified or receive a point deduction.

  11. Display:  Three tips must be SECURLY fastened to a plain (one color no texture no mirror), flat surface for the judging process. The size of the mounting surface is to be a maximum of 6 inches wide by 8 inches long by 1/4 thick and it must be FLAT, FLUSH AND STURDY.  Any rise that does not meet this requirement may receive point deduction.

  12. Competitors must prepare and submit a written statement in two parts:  

1# - Detailing the products and processes used to create the art (do NOT name specific brands or manufacturers)

2# - Your interpretation of the theme. Maximum 


Failure to provide this information will result in a point deduction. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR NAME on write ups.

  1. 3-D Nail Art will be judged in the following categories: originality, visual interest, color, presentation, balance, design, dimension, overall impression, complexity, workmanship, tip length and theme interpretation.

  2. Any 3-D Nail Art design that wins, or has already won, first place at a competition cannot be reused by the winner or copied by other competitors. Entries cannot be posted on social media sites prior to judging.

3rd ~  Lynda Langille

Brooks, AB

2nd ~  Beverly Townsend

Calgary, AB

1st ~  Tanya Puttick

Airdrie, AB

Hand Painted ~ Pinterest Fails 

Turn in at NMC registration, Saturday by 4pm

  1. Competitors may submit more than one entry, but must pay a registration fee for each entry.

  2. Entries may be turned in by the competitor or the competitor may have someone else walk it in. Entries may be mailed in (see below). You do not need to be present to enter this competition.

  3. All work must be completed prior to the competition. No workstation, seating or electrical outlet will be provided. 

  4. Hand painted flat art entry must consist of a set of 3 full size individual manufacturer tips. Tips must be graduated in size. Original tip color does NOT matter. 

  5. All hand painting must be done with acrylic paints, gel paints or watercolor.

  6. Top coat or UV gel sealant must be used. 

  7. Competitors may not copy ANY logos or other artists’ work. Entries must be original.

  8.  Tips must be securely fastened to the required base but must remain individual and not secured to one another. If tips do not meet the requirements, the design may be disqualified or receive a point deduction.

  9.  Display:  Three tips must be SECURLY fastened to a plain (one color no texture no mirror), flat surface for the judging process.  The size of the mounting surface is to be a maximum of 6 inches wide by 8 inches long by 1/4 thick and it must be FLAT, FLUSH AND STURDY.  Any rise that does not meet this requirement may receive a points deduction.

  10. Competitors must prepare and submit a written statement of your interpretation of the theme.

Failure to provide this information will result in a point deduction.


 DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR NAME on the statement.

  1. Hand painted flat art will be judged in the following categories: originality, visual interest, color, presentation, balance, design, dimension, overall impression, complexity, workmanship, tip length and theme interpretation.

  2. Any hand painted flat art designs that wins, or has already won, first place at a competition cannot be reused by the winner or copied by other competitors. Entries cannot be posted on social media sites prior to judging.



Hand Painted 17

1st ~  Olga Khazova

Medicine Hat, AB

2nd ~  Brenda Braun

Pennant, SK

3rd ~  Carmen Leenstra

Lethbridge, AB

Fantasy 17

Fantasy ~ Anatomy Turn in at NMC registration, Saturday by 4pm

  1. Competitors may submit more than one entry, but must pay a registration fee for each entry.

  2. Entries may be turned in by the competitor or the competitor may have someone else walk it in. Entries may be mailed in (see below). You do not need to be present to enter this competition.

  3. All work must be completed prior to the competition. No workstation, seating or electrical outlet will be provided. 

  4. Fantasy Nail Art entry must consist of 1 full size individual manufacturer tip. Original tip color does NOT matter. 

  5. All nail art must be made from professional nail products and embellishments (colored liquid-and-powder acrylic, light-cured gel, wraps and resin, polish, rhinestones, etc.)

  6. Embellishments or adornments may be used, but must NOT exceed 25% of the overall design. You must create minimum 75% of your pieces. 

  7. Top coat, UV gel sealant or glitter polish may be used. 

  8. Competitors my use a similar version of copyrighted art, design or logo but they must not be identical to the original.  If the artwork does not follow the criteria, judges will determine point deductions.

  9.  Tip must be securely fastened to the required base.

  10. Display:  One tip must be SECURLY fastened to a designed surface for the judging process. Your base will act as the “costume” for your tip. The base is to enhance your tip but be careful to not overpower it. The size of the mounting surface is to be a maximum of 6 inches wide by 8 inches deep by 1/4 thick and it must be STURDY. 

  11. Competitors must prepare and submit a written statement in two parts:  

1# - Detailing the products and processes used to create the art (do NOT name specific brands or manufacturers)

2# - Your interpretation of the theme.


Failure to provide this information will result in a point deduction. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR NAME on the statements.

  1. Fantasy Nail Art will be judged in the following categories: originality, visual interest, color, presentation, balance, design, dimension, overall impression, complexity, workmanship, tip length and theme interpretation.

  2. Any Fantasy Nail Art design that wins, or has already won, first place at a competition cannot be reused by the winner or copied by other competitors. Entries cannot be posted on social media sites prior to judging.



Mailing Entry

1st ~  Beverly Townsend

Calgary, AB

2nd ~  Angela Beer

St. Albert, AB

3rd ~  Leanne Logan

Saskatoon, SK

Mailing Entries


Artist MUST send a "mailing" email to stating that an entry has been mailed.

(This way we know to watch for it and can confirm receiving the entry)


1. All entries being mailed in must be received 1 week prior to event (September 21st 2017).

2. Please ensure all entries are WELL packaged as to prevent damage during transport.

3. All entries must be accompanied by any written components that are required (stated in each competition rules)

4. All entries must be accompanied by a seperate card containing the artist full contact information (Name, Address, Phone & Email)

5. If you would like your entry returned to you please include a written cheque for the same amout it cost to send. Cheques made payable         to Amanda Sosnowski

6. Entries may be sent to:


Nail Masters Canada

Amanda Sosnowski

Box 36

601 2nd Ave

Cudworth, Sask







Nail Masters Canada


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